You'll hopefully find answers to all your questions here. However, if you don't find the answer you're looking for, feel free to drop us a line at support@moshcam.com and we'll do our best to help you out. In the meantime, here's a list of the questions we currently cover in this section
About Our Content
- Where do all these shows come from?
- Is there any free content available?
- How often are new shows added?
- How can I find out about new shows you add?
- Can I customise my notifications so they are relevant to me?
- Will all shows currently available from Moshcam always be available?
- Can I buy a copy of a show for download?
Creating an Account
- Do I have to pay to install the Moshcam app?
- What types of accounts do you offer?
Premium Content Options (Subscriptions and Show Pass)
- What options are there to access the Moshcam content
- How do I pay?
- Can I use in app purchasing?
- After I subscribe or choose a Show Pass, how long can I access the content?
- How do I see what plan I’m on?
- I can’t see details of my subscription plan – what do I do?
Change Details or Cancellation of Subscriptions
- How do I change my payment details or other details?
- How do I cancel a subscription?
- If I cancel a subscription, when does access stop?
- What happens if my credit card or other payment details change?
Technical Questions
- What devices can Moshcam be accessed on?
- I've registered, but I've received a message saying that my account still needs to be activated. What do I do?
- I'm trying to access one of the shows on my mobile device, but I can't get past the loading page – why is that?
- Why does the song stop mid-stream?
- Is there a difference between watching a show over the mobile network and watching it over a Wi-Fi network?
- How many users can access the app at once?
- How do I get a show to play from the app on my TV if I don’t have the TV app?
- Can I temporarily download content so that I can watch it later offline?
- Can I create personal playlists?
- What if I’ve forgotten my login details (either login or password or, gulp, both)?
- Can I suggest shows/artists that I'd like to see Moshcam film?
- How do I provide feedback to Moshcam?
- I’m an artist with some great video content – are you interested in licensing my content?
- What if I’ve got a question that isn’t answered above?
About Our Content
Where do all these shows come from?
Moshcam has filmed nearly all of the shows in our catalogue, most of which were at one of our partner venues in Australia, the United States and the UK. We work with some great artists, labels and venues and are constantly looking to add to our collection. In the near future we’re also planning to augment our collection with some special archival shows and documentaries from the world’s great music libraries – but, in keeping with the Moshcam ethos, they’ll be ones you won’t want to miss (rather than ones you never wanted to see!)
Is there any free content available?
As our gift to you, we’ll always make some great content available for free (typically a song from each show and a weekly free playlist), so you’ll always be able to get a great idea of what we’re making available to subscribers.
How often are new shows added?
You’ll find new content added every week, so don’t forget to check in regularly.
How can I find out about new shows you add?
When you register with us, you will receive a regular update via email, letting you know of the new shows that have been added recently, and other news that will be of interest to you (such as upcoming releases and our recommendations). If you've installed the Moshcam app, we can also send you notifications - just go to settings on your device and, under notifications, make sure Moshcam is on! You can adjust notifications to stop them altogether(but why would you want to do that?). If all else fails, you can always check our website for the latest news.
Can I customise my notifications so they’re relevant to me?
Not yet – but we’re working on it!
Will all shows currently available from Moshcam always be available?
Hopefully, yes. However, some artists and/or their record labels impose time limits on our ability to offer their shows (no, we don’t know why either!) so we can’t guarantee that every show will always be available. Of course, we’ll give you as much notice as we can if our rights to a particular show are going to expire.
Can I buy a copy of the show for download?
Not at the moment, sorry. However, we’re looking to work with artists to make shows available for permanent download over time. We’ll let you know as things develop. In the meantime, we do permit time limited downloads to the app so that you can watch shows offline. Check under Technical Questions for more information.
Creating an Account
Do I have to pay to install the Moshcam App?
No way! The Moshcam app is free to install – even better, once you set up a free Basic Account, it will allow you to always access some great free content to sample the full Moshcam experience! However, if you want to access all that Moshcam has to offer, you will have to upgrade to a paid Premium Account (subscription). Alternatively, you can pay just to watch a particular show (unlimited plays within 48 hours) under our rental option.
What types of accounts do you offer?
We offer two types of account:
- A free Basic Account – everyone has to set up one of these first. It allows you to access all of the free stuff. It also allows you to rent specific shows from time to time and, when you’re ready, upgrade to a Premium Account; or
- A Premium (subscription) Account – with one of these babies, you can access everything that Moshcam has to offer for one low monthly recurring subscription fee (or an even cheaper annual fee!).
(Basic Account) Before you can access the Moshcam service (even the free stuff), you’ll first need to create a free Basic Account with us. When you sign up, we’ll just need minimal information such as your name and a valid email address (from which your account will need to be verified). Importantly, if you just want to stick with the free stuff for a while, you don't need to provide any payment method details (such as a credit card).
(Premium Account and Show Pass) Once you sign up for, or upgrade to, a Premium Account (requiring a monthly or annual subscription payment) or a one-off Show Pass, you will also need to provide details for your preferred payment method (credit card or debit card only at this point). However, this information is not held by us and is only used by our secure payments provider to verify your billing details.
We may also ask you for some optional additional information which we will only use for our internal purposes to help us make sure that we’re delivering the best possible service for you.
Of course, all of this information will only be held and used by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Premium Content Options (Subscription and Show Pass)
What options are there to access all of the Moshcam content?
We've made it as easy and flexible as possible for you to access the Moshcam content in a way that works best for you. We presently offer two methods to access all our content - subscriptions and rentals.
(Subscriptions) You can upgrade at any time from our free Basic Account to one of our Premium (subscription) Accounts. Just go to your account details and select either a monthly or annual subscription plan. Both plans provide access to all Moshcam content (as the name suggests, for either a month or a year) and both automatically renew on the same day each month or year unless and until you cancel.
(Show Pass) For those who want to watch a particular show but are not yet ready to upgrade to a Premium Account, we also offer the option of watching just that show without the need to upgrade from your Basic Account - once you purchase a Show Pass, you'll have 30 days to start watching the show and 48 hours unlimited watching from the time you press play on that bad boy!
How do I pay?
This is easily done through the Moshcam app or website - just click on any subscriber only content and you'll be shown a popup screen which enables you to either subscribe (for access to all content) or rent (to just watch a particular show). Once you've provided the required information, you're all set!
You will need to provide details for your preferred payment method (credit card or debit card only at this point). This information is not held by us and is only used by our secure payments provider to verify your billing details. Signing up for a subscription plan acts as an authority for us to charge your nominated payment method in advance at the beginning of each payment period. That will happen automatically (unless you cancel during the subscription period) so you won’t need to do anything.
For subscription plans, the payment period commences immediately on subscription and will be automatically renewed on the anniversary date in the next billing cycle unless and until you cancel. For example, if you have a monthly subscription plan which commenced on the 10th of the month, it will be automatically renewed on the 10th of each subsequent month unless and until you cancel (or your payment method expires or is declined). If we’re offering a free trial period for new subscribers, then that payment period will commence automatically at the end of that trial period (unless you cancel during that trial period).
You can of course cancel a subscription at any time. The cancellation will take effect (and access to the Moshcam service will end) at the end of the billing period during which you cancel. We don’t provide partial refunds for cancellations during a month.
For a Show Pass, you will need to choose and pay for the specific show you want to watch. The billing period commences immediately on payment in respect of your chosen show. You will have 30 days to commence watching that show, and once you start you will have 48 hours of unlimited watching. There is no capacity to cancel a Show Pass and we don't offer refunds - so choose wisely!
Can I use in app purchasing?
Yes, you can. Our iOS app is fully integrated into the Apple app store, so it’s a breeze to pay using your Apple ID. We’re still working on the app store integration for Android – in the meantime, you can still pay by entering your card details into our secure third party payment gateway built right into the app.
After I subscribe or choose a Show Pass, how long can I access the content?
For subscriptions, we're currently offering two plans - either a month to month subscription plan or an annual plan (both of which automatically renew until you cancel). You will be charged in advance each month or year (as the case may be) and will get unlimited access to the Moshcam service for that month or year.
For a Show Pass, you will have 30 days to commence watching your chosen show, and once you start you will have 48 hours of unlimited watching.
How do I see what plan I’m on?
Too easy. On the app, click open the Options menu (top left) and you’ll see a link to My Plans. Choose that option and you should see your details there. On our website, login and then click on your profile (top right) – just follow the link to MyPlans.
I can’t see details of my plan – what do I do?
Don’t panic! Sometimes (such as when you change your device) your details may not catch up. But it’s an easy fix. Just make sure you’re logged in and then go to My Plans (in the Options panel if you’re on the app or under your profile if on the website) and tap Restore. This will retrieve and restore your plan details. If you’ve tried this and it still hasn’t worked, drop us a line at support@moshcam.comand we’ll get you sorted.
Change Details or Cancellation of Subscriptions
How do I change my payment details or other details?
If you need to change your billing details or any other items in your profile, just log in and go to your account profile and update those details as required.
How do I cancel a subscription?
Now why would you want to do that?? Seriously though, you can cancel a subscription at any time. (Just a reminder - we don't offer cancellations or refunds on the Show Pass, so choose wisely!). If you subscribed via our website or the Android app, just log in to our website, go to your account profile and follow the easy prompts to My Plans where you’ll see a link to cancel your subscription. If you subscribed through one of our apps (other than Android at the moment), go to My Plans in the Options menu and tap Manage – that should take you through to the app store’s cancellation page.
If I cancel a subscription, when does access stop?
You can cancel a subscription at any time. The cancellation will take effect (and access to the Moshcam service will end) at the end of the billing period (either the month or the year) during which you cancel. We don’t provide partial refunds for cancellations during a month or year, as the case may be.
What happens if my credit card or other payment details change?
It is your responsibility to keep your payment details up to date (so don’t forget about us when you get a new credit or debit card!). If your card can’t be charged for any reason or if a charge is declined, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your subscription. If we suspend your account and we receive payment during that suspension period, we’ll reinstate access (including to your saved playlists) and the billing cycle will recommence from the date we received that payment. If we cancel your account for non-payment, you will need to create a new account to access the Moshcam service again.
If you need to change your billing details or any other items in your profile, just log in and go to your account profile and update those details as required.
Technical Questions
What devices can Moshcam be accessed on?
At the moment, Moshcam is available via our website (moshcam.com or moshcamvideo.com) or via our iOS, Apple TV orAndroid apps. We’ll be looking to add further devices and apps over time.
I've registered, but I've received a message saying that my account still needs to be activated. What do I do?
We've implemented a two stage activation system to ensure that people aren't inadvertently signed up to the Moshcam service. This means that, once you register with your email address, we'll send you a welcome email which also contains an account activation link. Just click on that link in your email and you should be good to go.
Sometimes the email containing the link goes astray, so please check your junk and spam folders (we try not to take that personally!). Very occasionally, the link just doens't work for some reason - we don't know why either. If you find yourself in that situation, just click on the link to get another account verification email sent to you or email us at support@moshcam.com and we'll do that for you - that should sort it all out.
ANDROID USERS SPECIAL NOTE: We've become aware that there is a particular mechanism on Android devices (not something we've done!) that means that wen you click on the verification link, you are confusingly presented with two options - a choice to verify via the Moshcam app or via the browser. CHOOSE THE BROWSER OPTION otherwise the link will not work (as verification happens via the web, not the app). We're working on bypassing that screen so that it automatically defaults to the browser choice. However, until then and if you've chosen app verification by mistake, just email us at support@moshcam.com and we'll send you another link.
I'm trying to access one of the shows on my mobile device, but I can't get past the loading page. Why is that?
The ability to stream a particular show over a mobile network is dependant upon your network having sufficient bandwidth at that location to allow the stream to occur. Moshcam's technology is optimised to provide the best quality stream without overloading the mobile network. As such, if you can't load a show, it almost certainly means that you are having network bandwidth issues that should be resolved as soon as you move to a different area and network performance improves.
Why does the song stop mid-stream?
The answer to the previous question is also relevant here. If a song stops playing mid-stream, it indicates network performance issues preventing the show from "buffering" sufficiently to allow the smooth playing of the song. Again, it should be resolved as soon as your network connection improves.
Is there a difference between watching a show over a mobile network and watching it over a WIFI network?
You may notice a quality enhancement when you access the Moshcam service over a Wi-Fi network. Our system automatically recognises when it is being accessed via a Wi-Fi network – it then optimises the picture and sound quality to take full advantage of the increased capacity. Don’t worry though, the service also performs very well on mobile networks.
How many users can access the app at once?
Just one at a time.
How do I get a show to play from the app on my TV if I don’t have the TV app?
We recommend using either Apple TV (to stream the show from your iPhone or iPad directly to your TV), or Chromecast (for Android devices). Many newer TVs also enable you to connect your mobile device (or, increasingly, your desktop/laptop) directly to the TV.
Can I temporarily download content so that I can watch it later offline?
You sure can - in both the Android and iOS apps. You’ll see the download icon next to each track. Downloaded tracks will be available to be viewed offline via the app for a period of 14 days and can be accessed through My Downloads in the Options panel.
Can I save my favourite tracks?
Yes, of course, provided you are a subscriber. We haven't implemented full playlist functionality yet, but we're working on it. In the meantime, you can bookmark your favourite tracks and they'll all be easily accessible under the My Favourites tab - under your profile on the website or in the slide out options panel on the app. To add a track to My Favourites, just click on the heart-shaped icon that appears when you mouse over the track you want to save.
What if I’ve forgotten my login details (either login or password or, gulp, both)?
OK, we know this happens to the best of us – yes, we’ve done it too! So, don’t worry we’ve got you covered.
Here’s a few things to try first.
- If your login isn’t recognised, have a close look and make sure there isn’t an inadvertent spelling error;
- If all that seems right, then make sure it’s the same email that you registered with. Many of us have more than one email address;
- If your login is recognised but you can’t remember your password, we do offer a password reset option – click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page and we’ll send you an email to enable you to reset your password.
If none of that works, email us at support@moshcam.com and we’ll see what we can do. For security reasons, we can’t simply unlock an account and we may have to simply cancel your existing account and you’ll need to register again.
Can I suggest shows/artists that I'd like to see Moshcam film?
Absolutely! We are all about the music so let us know who you want us to film and we’ll do our best to get them on board. Send us suggestions through the Moshcam Facebook page
How do I provide feedback to Moshcam?
We'd love your feedback - tell us what we're doing well and what we could be better at - or just suggest some improvements we may not even have thought of! feedback@moshcam.com
I’m an artist with some great video content – are you interested in licensing my content?
We’re always happy to support artists, so get in touch with us at content@moshcam.com
What if I’ve got a question that isn’t answered above?
Drop us a line with your question and we’ll do our best to answer your question as quickly as we can –support@moshcam.com